How to Counter Seven
Seven's ultimate ability, Storm Cloud, can be a game changing event if positioned and timed correctly. Often when Seven casts his ultimate, it is during large team fights and he wants to get as high as possible so that he can dish out deadly damage. This ability, stacked with high defensive armor items, spirit lifesteal, and extended range and duration, will often deal enough damage to cause an enemy team wipe. In this guide we show multiple ways to counter Seven's ultimate to render him useless.
Storm Cloud
For seven seconds, you channel a storm cloud that deals 124 DPS to every enemy within its radius.
The first counter to Seven's ultimate ability is simply to hide. Get behind a wall, truck, or any obstacle and you'll be safe. Storm Cloud is based on line of sight within the range of the attack.
The ability has a visual component that shows where the edge of his range is, similar to other area of effect animations. By running out of this range, you'll be safe and not take any more damage.
Crowd Control
If Seven is channeling his ultimate ability, a quick shutdown through a stun or crowd control item or ability should interrupt his casting and bring him down. Luckily for the opposing team, everyone has the ability to purchase an item called Knockdown under the Spirit items. This is an active item which will stun an enemy, use this on Seven to interrupt his channeling. This is not an instant cast, but animation based so be prepared to take a few hits of Storm Cloud before rushing in an activating Knockdown.
There are other abilities that commonly stun or sleep heroes which unknowingly do not stop Seven's channeling. For instance, Haze's Sleep Dagger ability, will put Seven to sleep - but it will not stop Storm Cloud channeling. Often times Haze will rush in and attempt to sleep only to get killed by the continued damage over time.
Bebop's pull should be strictly avoided as while Seven is channeling Storm Cloud, he will continue to cast as he gets pulled towards Bebop. This may result in Bebop pulling Seven directly in view of all team mates during a larger battle.
Burst Damage
Another effective way to counter Seven's Storm Cloud is through high burst damage. The idea here is to eliminate Seven as quickly as possible before he can fully channel his ultimate. Heroes with strong single-target nukes or those who can quickly close the gap can make a big difference. If Seven is caught off guard or low on health, burst damage can bring him down before his Storm Cloud has a chance to do any meaningful damage.
Displacement Abilities
Certain heroes or items have displacement abilities that can knock Seven out of position, causing him to lose the ideal setup for his ultimate. This can force Seven to reposition, which wastes valuable time in his channel. For example, Lash's ultimate or Abram's charge push Seven out of his elevated position, breaking his line of sight with the team. Additionally, a well-timed Knockdown disrupt his ultimate and make it harder for him to maintain the damage output.
Timing Defensive Items
If your team doesn't have strong stuns or displacement abilities, timing your defensive cooldowns is key. Items like Unstoppable or Divine Barrier can be lifesavers, giving your team a window to survive the worst of the damage. Since Storm Cloud deals damage over time, having sustained damage mitigation is crucial. Pairing defensive items with healing from your support can buy your team enough time to either escape or regroup after Seven’s ultimate ends.
Zoning and Poke
Lastly, zoning and poke strategies can be highly effective against Seven when he prepares to use Storm Cloud. If Seven’s team is forced back, he may find it hard to position himself for an optimal cast. Heroes with strong ranged abilities or long-range poke can pressure Seven before he commits to using his ultimate. This can discourage him from casting Storm Cloud, or make him an easy target when he does.
By utilizing these counters, you can effectively neutralize Seven’s Storm Cloud and prevent it from dominating team fights. For more tips on how to deal with Seven or to learn how to build him yourself, be sure to check out Seven's Hero Build for detailed builds, item suggestions, and gameplay strategies.